Step 01

Discover: Enroll & Connect

Enrolling to discover what Leapwise has in store for your transition journey prepares you to acquire all the necessary skills for learning and leaping. Even if you are unsure about the course to take, we are here to provide personalized career advice. This guidance will help you choose courses aligned with your interests, bring clarity to your goals, and ensure a smooth transition into the Leapwise learning environment.

Step 02


After enrolling, you go on to 5 to 8 weeks of project-based learning with well-balanced timelines, answers to your questions, guidance through exercises, capstone projects based on real-world scenarios, and improved presentation mastery amongst other benefits.

Step 03


This is the climax of your journey where you receive certification upon completion as tangible recognition of your achievements. Following this, you seamlessly join the Leapwise Alumni Network for ongoing career support, including CV enhancement, job placement support, mentorship, LinkedIn optimization, and continuous learning opportunities to help you thrive.

Why Choose Us

Practical Industry Application

Hands-On Projects are the language we speak by helping students understand and apply theoretical concepts through real-world projects and case studies and giving detailed feedback on assignments and projects to aid in skill improvement.

Experienced Facilitators

The Courses are delivered by seasoned professionals with practical industry experience, ensuring a comprehensive and practical understanding of the subject matter


At Leapwise you will gain access to dedicated facilitators offering mentorship, coupled with tailored CV review sessions, LinkedIn optimization webinars, and a comprehensive suite of resources aimed at preparing and instilling confidence for successful job applications.


Yes. Please send an email to for more information

No, the fees cover your certificate

Leapwise admits students with any background

Yes, but they will be taken in different cohorts